The Mineral Point School Board continued its regular monthly meeting Thursday, which was adjourned early Monday due to the Middle/High School Winter Concert.
Video link: https://youtu.be/5Yo0QvWiigM
The Board resumed its discussion of altering the current covid protocols. (This begins the meeting video)
The Board voted by a 6-1 vote (with Sullivan voting no) to accept the proposal from the Policy Committee meeting to update the mask matrix for grades K-12 to use the current middle/high school transmission level (masks required when in red zone only). EC & 4K will still be required to mask in both the yellow and red zones.
Additionally, the Board voted 4-3 (with Dunn, Heisner, and Janetka voting no) to amend the entire covid protocol document with many updates that will take effect January 3 upon return from Winter Break. Some changes include:
- Students who are less than three feet from an infected student for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24 hour period are considered a close contact.
- Students exposed in the classroom: Regardless of vaccination status, close contacts may attend school and sports/co-curriculars masked and socially distanced indoors and masked when unable to socially distance outdoors during the 14 days after last exposure, or until negative covid test obtained at least day 8 after exposure. Monitor for symptoms for 14 days.
- Only households of close contacts will be notified for each positive case. All families will receive case updates once a week on the Friday dashboard communication.
An updated document that reflects the above changes and more will be shared with families and staff, and posted to the website, next week prior to Winter Break. Please stay tuned.
Other Business:
— Approved tabeling the hiring of a part time elementary custodian. (Go to the one hour, 11 minute, 45 second mark)
— Following closed session, unanimously approved the hiring of Tammy Benish as an RN Assistant for up to 60 school days. (Discussion began prior to closed session at the one hour, 15 minute, 15 second mark)
— Following closed session, approved the hiring 5-2 (with Skelding and Sullivan voting no) of Melissa David as a long term substitute in the elementary for up to 60 school days.
— The next regular meeting will be held Monday, January 10 at 6:30 pm.