The Mineral Point Kiwanis Club honored its November Students of the Month at a virtual meeting Tuesday, November 2.
The students, who are members of the senior class, are selected for this honor through a voting process by staff at the high school, and their biographies are written by themselves.
Eloise Chambers
Eloise Chambers, daughter of Sam and Chausti Weinbrenner, is one of four kids in her household. She and her family have had the privilege of living in Mineral Point their whole lives and are so grateful for the amazing community that is Mineral Point.
Eloise has participated in various activities throughout her high school career, including Key Club, Yearbook, Blue Crew, Multimedia, and Forensics. She has been a news anchor on Wake Up Mineral Point for the past three years and helps produce content for the Media Communication class, including the Mineral Point Homecoming Hype Video. She is also a volleyball, basketball, softball, and forensics captain. Eloise has been a part of student government for the last three years and was Class President her sophomore and junior years. Last year she was inducted into the National Honor Society. Some other honors Eloise is grateful to have received are Prom and Homecoming Queen, as well as Student of the Year her freshman year.
Eloise has been in volleyball, basketball, and softball for years. She started these sports when she was very young and has played on AAU teams for basketball and volleyball. She had the opportunity of participating in the State Champion Basketball Tournament last year, where the team earned State Runner up. Sports has always been a passion of hers, and she is so lucky to have played with the best teammates, especially Mallory.
Outside of school, Eloise works at the local candy store High Street Sweets and is in her third year there. She also helps coach dance for Half Time Entertainment and babysits her sister and cousins.
After high school, Eloise plans to attend an out-of-state four-year university. She is undecided on her major but excited to see all that the world has to offer. She particularly looks forward to the opportunity to study abroad.
Eloise would like to give a big thank you to her family, especially her parents, for the continued support and love throughout her years at Mineral Point.
She would also like to thank the staff in the Mineral Point School District for all they do! They are at the heart of why being a Pointer is so special. She couldn’t have made it this far without their dedication to the success of each and every student.
Some other thank yous Eloise would like to give are to Mr. Matt Austin and Mrs. Kristin Staver. They have both done so much for her inside and outside the school, and she is grateful for all of the opportunities and learning experiences they have both given her. Eloise would also like to thank all of her coaches throughout the past four years. They have taught her leadership and perseverance skills that she will continue to utilize after high school.
Finally, Eloise would like to congratulate Mallory for being honored as Student of the Month. She is so grateful for all of the amazing experiences that the two of them have shared, and being able to be honored together makes it extra special. She would also like to give a big thank you to Kiwanis and the Mineral Point staff for choosing her as Student of the Month.
“Ella has been a go-getter ever since I met her in elementary school. She grew academically, socially, and athletically as the years went on. Ella is such a poised young lady who is both confident and charismatic. She is always kind and you rarely see her without a smile on her face. Her determination in the classroom, in clubs, and on the court can also show how fierce she can get. Whether it’s volleyball, basketball, or softball, she is always giving her all. Being selected as both prom and homecoming queen also shows how well-liked and respected she is among her peers. Ella, congratulations on being chosen as Kiwanis Student of the Month. I wish you so much luck in your college endeavors and beyond. I know you will accomplish many great things!” ~ Janet Lawinger, High School Administrative Assistant
“Ella, congratulations on being selected as the Student of the Month for November. As you have navigated your high school career, you have learned how to use your talents to the highest level. Leader, respectful, and dependable are words that jump out at me when I am asked to describe you. You have been an excellent role model for younger students and have been a great leader for your class. Your future is bright and I am sure that you will accomplish amazing things. Best of luck.” ~ Matt Austin, High School Principal
“Ella Chambers is a sweet, kind girl with lots of talents. I can’t believe this once little girl is now a senior! Ella shows perseverance through any obstacle, on and off the court. I am confident Ella will continue to show her family and school how she can succeed. Ella, congratulations on being selected Student of the Month! Enjoy the rest of your senior year and good luck in the future! Thank you for being so kind to others!” ~ Jill McGuire, Kindergarten Teacher
“Ella Chambers is an exceptional student and athlete. She is a true leader and has a positive influence on everyone she meets. She embodies high morals, demonstrates a strong work ethic, and has an infectious personality and attitude. You can’t help but smile when around Ella. I can’t wait to see what Ella does in the future. I know it will be great!” ~ Kari Kabat, Middle School Math Teacher and Varsity Volleyball Coach
“Confucius noted, ‘Sincerity and truth are the basis of every virtue.’ I have had the privilege of witnessing Miss Ella Chambers’ pure sincerity since she was a little girl. She is genuinely one of the kindest, caring young adults I know. Ella is the first to lend a helping hand and to go the extra mile without being asked. I am continually impressed with her maturity and composure. I hate to think about next year without Ella in my programs, but I am beyond thrilled to watch her bright future unfold! You will always be the pepper to Mallory’s salt – I wish you all the best, Sweet Girl!” ~ Kristin Staver, High School English Teacher
Mallory Lindsey
Mallory is the middle child of Matt and Alea Lindsey.
Outside of academics, Mallory participates in volleyball, basketball, softball, and dance. She has been a news anchor on Mineral Point High School’s daily news broadcast program, Wake Up Mineral Point, for the past three years. In addition to anchoring the news, Mallory is a co-editor for the Media Communication class projects. Mallory is also very active in Blue Crew, Yearbook, FBLA, Key Club, and a Forensics captain. In addition, Mallory is a two-year member of the National Honor Society.
Mallory has also been very active in her church and community volunteering. Since 6th grade, Mallory has played AAU volleyball and AAU basketball; she has thoroughly enjoyed all of the traveling and experiences with these teams. She is super excited as she plans to continue her athletic and academic career at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh to play basketball.
Mallory would like to thank her parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, and grandparents for always being her number one fans and teaching her to be humble and appreciative of everything.
She would like to thank Mr. Matt Austin, the MPHS Principal, for always going out of his way for her both in and out of the classroom. His mentoring, guidance, and belief in Mallory has helped shape her for her future immensely.
She would like to thank her aunt/English teacher, Mrs. Kristin Staver, for always being there to push her out of her comfort zone in school. She always pushed Mal to be the best version of herself and taught her to always think outside the box. It has made a significant impact on the student and person she has become today. Mallory would also like to thank Mr. Dan Burreson and Mrs. Kris McCoy for all of the opportunities they have helped to provide her through the media program.
Finally, she wants to congratulate Eloise and thank everyone at Mineral High School for making her four years at MPHS the best. She will take all the lessons you have given her to Oshkosh and hopes to make you all proud!
“Mallory is one of those girls who when you look at her you know she has the drive and ambition to get it done. She’s been this way since elementary school and has made it a part of her daily routine ever since. One may think with an older sibling who has such athletic talent that she may be overlooked. Not Mallory. She has shown over and over how she’s maintained academic skills that will continue throughout college, plus how she thrives as a 3-sport athlete. And it’s only fitting that she shares the Kiwanis Student of the Month recognition with her best friend, Ella. I’ve witnessed them be each other’s shadow, but know each of them shines brightly on their own. Mal, continue to let your beauty shine through and you’ll do great things!” ~ Janet Lawinger, High School Administrative Assistant
“From the moment I had Mallory in my preschool classroom, I knew she was going to move mountains. Her spunky, energetic, positive attitude is contagious! When Mallory was in preschool, her favorite thing to do was dance and sing. Mallory was part of my first preschool class in Mineral Point. Although I was their teacher, Mallory and her classmates taught me so much that year. I will forever hold the memories of our time together close to my heart! Mallory, continue being you! You have already touched so many lives and I can’t wait to see what the future holds!” ~ Morgan Burris, Pre K Teacher
“Mallory, thank you for being a great leader and example for our school. As you finish this chapter and start the next, I am sure that you will take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself. I will remember how you are always willing to help out, your positive attitude towards any challenge, and how hard you work on your talents. Congratulations on your selection as the Student of the Month for November and best of luck with your future.” ~ Matt Austin, High School Principal
“Mallory Lindsey is also a sweet and friendly young lady with many proven talents. I love Mallory’s animated personality and pleasant demeanor. She has always been a go-getter, even since elementary school. I know the future will be bright for Mallory and wish her much success. Thank you for your kindness. Mallory, congratulations on being selected as November’s Student of the Month and enjoy the rest of your senior year!” ~ Jill McGuire, Kindergarten Teacher
“Mallory Lindsey is a strong leader. She pushes everyone around her to their best and makes everyone want to work harder. She is a leader by example and goes after what she wants. She puts in the time to reach her goals on and off the court. Keep reaching for your dreams, Mallory!” ~ Kari Kabat, Middle School Math Teacher and Head High School Volleyball Coach
“‘And though she be but little, she is fierce’ William Shakespeare. Miss Mallory Lindsey has always been a spitfire – giving the world her best. I am blessed to be not only her teacher and advisor but also her aunt. Because of this, I often hold Mallory at a very demanding standard. I expect above and beyond from her, and she always delivers! Finding the words to say how proud I am of all of her accomplishments is impossible. Likewise, picturing next year without her is also impossible. The silver lining is knowing that I was a small part of this dynamo’s adventure. I can’t wait to see what lies ahead for you. You will always be the salt to Ella’s pepper. I love you tons, Sweet Girl!” ~ Kristin Staver, High School English Teacher
“Ella and Mallory are three sport athletes, lettering in volleyball, basketball, and softball. They are also involved in other school activities. The success Ella and Mallory have been able to achieve in academics and athletics is due in part to a strong work ethic. It has been a pleasure to watch Ella and Mallory grow the past four years into successful MPHS student-athletes.” ~ Vickie Dahl, Middle School Principal and Middle/High School Athletic Director
“Two kids that are mature beyond their years and have work ethics that are second to none. Their teammates’ success is always more important than their own personal achievements. They lead through their actions and are two of the best leaders I have coached. They will continue to do great things because of their unending determination combined with the humility they carry themselves with. Two of the best players I have ever coached but more importantly two of the best people I have been around. Proud of you both! Finish your high school careers strong and good luck in your future endeavors. You will continue to be great!” ~ Varsity Girls Basketball Coach Mike Keyes
“Ella and Mallory were both in my first class of 6th graders that I taught. Both girls were kind, considerate, and some of the hardest working students I’ve ever had. To this day, when I see both of the girls they show those same attributes: kind and considerate. I always get a ‘Hi, how are you?’ which doesn’t always happen for me with previous students. I know they continue to be hardworking because of all of the extracurriculars they are involved in and how well they do in their academics. I’m so very proud of both Mallory and Ella, and know they will do amazing things in their futures!” ~ McKenzy Brown, 6th Grade Teacher
“It is hard to talk about Mallory Lindsey without mentioning Ella Chambers. They are both very active within the school and athletics. They both serve as outstanding role models for all students. They are excellent students, outstanding athletes, and always in a good mood. They can be seen every day on Wake Up Mineral Point, the school media newscast, and have been involved in the creation and growth of that project. The Mineral Point School District is lucky to have these two fine students represent us, and they will be missed once they graduate and head off to bigger and better adventures.” ~ Mitch Wainwright, Superintendent
(Chambers photo by Kira Runde; Lindsey photo by Ann Gorgen)