This is Wisconsin School Board Week. October 3rd through the 9th is the week where we can publicly recognize the efforts our local school board members give and offer our support and thanks for the job they do.
When we step back and look at the time, energy, and commitment that a school board member puts in, we also see that it is time spent away from family. Many times a member is missing out on their own child’s performance in an extra-curricular activity or sporting event. Oftentimes being a board member is a thankless job. Their sacrifice goes unnoticed. Offer up your support and give them the thanks they deserve.
John Ashley, the Executive Director of the Wisconsin Association of School Boards, said it best when he said, “Strong school boards lead to strong schools and strong communities. Helping school boards be effective is the mission of the Wisconsin Association of School Boards.
We ask you to join us this week in thanking your local school board members. It’s important to honor and recognize their commitment to public service. It’s also important for our children to see the direct link between their schools and their community and know that there is a large group of caring adults, many they never see, who care about their education and well-being.
Wisconsin School Board Week is Oct. 3-9. Please take a few minutes this week to thank the people who step up to serve on your local school board.”
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