At Monday night’s School Board meeting, the Board voted 4-3 in favor of optional face coverings for students and staff (Busch, Skelding, Steffes, and Sullivan voted yes and Dunn, Heisner, and Janetka voted no). The Board also voted 6-1 (with Steffes voting no) to require face coverings on district transportation (buses, vans) as this is a federal CDC order. The Board also approved the WIAA fall sport guidelines as presented unanimously, which relies largely on local district control.
Additionally, the Board also voted to have another meeting this Thursday, August 26 at 6:30 pm in the MPHS Library. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss a matrix that would decide when various levels of masking may be required, depending on the number of covid cases. The Board may also discuss a potential outsourced all-virtual learning option for the upcoming school year. Once the agenda and Zoom info is available, you will be able to find it here: https://meetings.boardbook.org/Public/Organization/2067
Video from Monday’s meeting is available here. This meeting was held in the cafeteria (compared to the usual library location), so we apologize for the sound issues through Zoom: https://youtu.be/-0Xs1a29smM
We will continue to keep you updated with additional details for the new school year as they become available.