– With the cancelation of Monday’s School Board Candidate Forum due to inclement weather, the district attempted to find a new date that would work for all candidates. Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful due to work/volunteer commitments, parent/teacher conferences, vacations, and spring break.
– Realizing absentee ballots are being mailed this week, the district didn’t want to delay too long in getting information out to voters about the candidates.
– Therefore, candidates provided their responses in writing to submitted stakeholder and standard questions.
– There are three seats up for election. Two candidates (Aaron A. Dunn and Justin Skelding) filed paperwork to have their names appear on the ballot for the Tuesday, April 6 election. One candidate (Robert Janetka) has filed paperwork to be a registered write-in. The deadline for anyone else to file paperwork to be a registered write-in is Friday, April 2 at Noon in the District Office. Please contact Angie Schubert with any questions at angie.schubert@mp.k12.wi.us or 987-0740.
– Thank you to the students of Pointer Media who were once again willing to moderate the forum.