At its regular monthly January meeting, the School Board unanimously approved a request to name the new football field in honor of late MPHS Coach and Teacher Ron Murphy.
(Go to the two hour, 28 minute mark) Video link: https://youtu.be/XjV4Gy2whmw
In materials from the Stadium Project when fundraising began, in order to obtain naming rights to the field, it was stated the amount needing to be generated would be $150,000.
Retired MPHS Principal, Teacher, and Coach Ted Evans appeared with a request from the Mineral Point Alumni Group to name the field in honor of Mr. Murphy, which “would be a great testament to his legacy.” The Alumni Group has donated more money than the required amount.
Please stay tuned for more information regarding honoring Mr. Murphy.
Other Business:
— The Board heard feedback from school administrators regarding the first week back from Winter Break, with four days of in-person instruction — and then transitioned into discussion about potentially moving to five days of in-person instruction.
The Board voted unanimously to continue with the current four days of in-person instruction, with Wednesdays continuing to be for enrichment/remedial work, and revisit the topic at the regular February meeting Monday, February 8.
(Go to the 48 minute, 30 second mark)
— The Board heard an update from Tim Ruppert, HSR Associates, regarding the elementary renovation project. Ruppert said the project is currently on schedule.
The Board also discussed potential alternate bid items for the music room, art room, and bathrooms and voted unanimously to table the items and revisit at a later date, based on monetary considerations.
(Go to the four minute mark)
— The Board reviewed the School Board Election timeline for the April 6 election.
There will be three open seats. Aaron Dunn (incumbent) and Justin Skelding filed for candidacy and will have their names appear on the ballot.
Incumbents Nathan Chambers and Everett Lindsey filed non-candidacy.
Anyone wishing to be a registered write-in candidate should file paperwork in the District Office prior to Noon Friday, April 2. A registered write-in will not have his/her name printed on the ballot. Registered write-ins will receive an invitation to participate in the district’s candidate forum scheduled for sometime in March (if they register prior to that date). (Go to the 25 minute mark).
— The Board approved to start allowing fans (family of players), with health/safety precautions, at the high school winter sports competitions by a 6-1 vote with Gary Sullivan voting no. To read the rules of attendance as they currently stand, please see the document below:
(Go to the two hour, 17 minute, 15 second mark)
— Annually, the Board must determine the number of open enrollment spaces available for the next school year. The Board voted 6-1 (with Lindsey opposed) to approve the open enrollment numbers as presented, with adding one student where the zone was currently listed as zero for regular education students. The regular education open enrollment spreadsheet is pictured below (with the corrected numbers pictured):
For special education students, caseloads were considered in light of the number of enrolled students and enrollment projections. Based up these program limits, at this time for special education there are:
— 2 spaces available for open enrollment at the early childhood level
— 1 space available for open enrollment in the elementary grades K-1
— 4 spaces available for open enrollment in the elementary grades 2-3
— 3 spaces available for open enrollment in the elementary grades 4-5
— 7 spaces available for open enrollment in the middle school grades 6-8
— 12 spaces available for open enrollment in the high school grades 9-12
A non-resident school board is not required to designate special education spaces if it contracts outside of the district for special education services because the programs are not available in the district. The school board can deny the application because the services are not available in the district.
Contracted services for the Mineral Point Unified School District include a vision instructor, deaf/hard of hearing instructor, orientation and mobility services, physical therapy, and occupational therapy. Students with disabilities that apply for open enrollment with these contracted services will be denied enrollment.
Open enrollment begins in February for the 2021-22 school year.
(Go to the one hour, 59 minute, 30 second mark)
— The Board listened to semester comparisons between the first semester of the 2019-20 school year and the first semester of the 2020-21 school year involving grades, honor roll, testing results, and social/emotional. (Go to the 35 minute mark)
— The Board unanimously accepted the resignation of Linda Cerutti, High School Instructional Assistant. (Go to the one hour, 57 minute, 30 second mark)
— The Board unanimously approved a request from High School Principal Matt Austin to begin the Superintendent program through Viterbo University. Once the program is completed, there would be at least a three year commitment to remain the district for Mr. Austin in exchange for the reimbursements of credits.
(Go to the two hour, 29 minute, 30 second mark)
— The Board voted unanimously to approve the WASB Resolutions for the State Education Convention, which will be held virtually this year, January 20-22. Dunn will be the delegate at this year’s event and will cast the district’s vote.
(Go to the two hour, 42 minute, 45 second mark)
— The Board unanimously approved the credit card statement and bills payable. (Go to the two hour, 52 minute mark)
— Superintendent Wainwright presented his monthly budget comparison. (Go to the 33 minute, 45 second mark)
— The next regular meeting will be Monday, February 8 at 6:30 pm.