The Mineral Point School Board held its regular monthly meeting Monday evening.
(Unfortunately, Zoom did not record the meeting. We reached out to Zoom, but they were unable to provide us with a copy of the recording. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please reference the agenda for attachments: https://meetings.boardbook.org/Public/Agenda/2067?meeting=431861)
After much discussion, the Board unanimously approved starting high school winter sports and all extracurricular activities on time, following WIAA guidelines, and having no fans through the end of December. Home athletic events will continue to be livestreamed on www.pointermedia.org by clicking on the MPTV icon.
Girls Basketball and Gymnastics are set to start practice Monday, November 16 with Boys Basketball and Wrestling set to begin Monday, November 23.
The Board discussed the mental health benefits of activities for students, as well as the fact fall sports did not produce, to their knowledge, a spread of the virus amongst athletes. There was concern over potential spread by spectators, as well as the current gathering size recommendations from the county as listed below, thus the reasons for no fans through the end of the year.
The WIAA Winter Sports Guidelines can be found here: https://www.wiaawi.org/Portals/0/PDF/Health/Covid/WIAA-Winter-Sport-Guidelines.pdf
Other business:
— Tim Ruppert of HSR Associates presented the latest updates regarding the Elementary Construction Project, which is available here: https://mineralpointschools.org/wp-content/uploads/2020-11-09-Board-Meeting.pdf
— Reopening Advisory Committee Co-chairs Justin Skelding and Annika Swenson shared the latest updates from their most recent meeting October 29, as well as current district report card health data, and new recommendations from the Iowa County Health Department released just Monday afternoon.
Swenson reported the most recent district report card score of a 2 as of November 6, which advises the district continue with virtual learning.
Additionally, the latest recommendations announced Monday afternoon from the Iowa County Health Department were shared, which can be found in their entirety here: https://www.iowacounty.org/media/Departments/Health%20Department/Media%20Releases%20Covid-19/Media%20Releases%20Covid-19/11.09.20%20COVID%20Case%20Count%20at%20758;%20Plea%20to%20the%20Community.pdf
Skelding also shared virtual learning feedback the committee has heard from families, indicating that overall, things are going fairly well so far. The committee co-chairs stated they welcome feedback at any time from stakeholders to help guide the committee’s work.
There was discussion among board members whether a shift in instructional models for the district should be made by the board, by administration, or by administration in conjunction with the board president.
The board is planning a special meeting Monday, November 23 to decide whether or not the district will return to its hybrid model on Monday, November 30.
— The board approved by a 6-0-1 vote (with Andy Busch abstaining) removing the 14 day quarantine period following the last competition of the season for the football team.
— The board held discussion regarding a possible Phase II desire to add paid interns when/if the district decides to bring back more students into the buildings than what are currently present with the hybrid model.
Recognizing some families would want to stay all-virtual, these interns would facilitate virtual learning. The cost is expected to be $5,000 per intern for the second semester and the thought is to hire five. These would be college education students nearing graduation.
— The Board approved the Emergency Nursing Services policy unanimously.
— Following closed session, the board approved by a 6-1 vote (with Larry Steffes voting no) the Medical Advisor contract.
— The board approved by a 6-1 vote (with Steffes voting no) a request for a waiver from the Department of Public Instruction for educator evaluation this year, given the unique teaching circumstances. That said, board members did want assurances that instructional supervision is still occurring. The administrative team agreed that it is.
— The board approved the budget amendments unanimously.
— The board unanimously approved the credit card statement and bills payable.
— The board will hold a special meeting Monday, November 23 to decide whether or not to return to the hybrid model Monday, November 30. The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for Monday, December 14.