Wednesday, October 14
The School Board held an emergency meeting Wednesday and voted on athletic participation while students are virtually learning during the suspension of the academic hybrid model.
The Board voted 5-1 to allow participation of boys soccer, cross country, and volleyball immediately. Andy Busch, Everett Lindsey, Larry Steffes, Gary Sullivan, and Nate Chambers were in favor with Aaron Dunn against. Joni Heisner was absent.
A motion was then made to allow participation of football immediately, which failed. Sullivan and Chambers voted in favor; Dunn, Lindsey, and Steffes voted against; and Busch abstained.
The Board then voted to allow participation of football beginning October 26 with Steffes, Sullivan, Lindsey, and Chambers in favor; Dunn against; and Busch abstained.
All fall student-athletes will need to quarantine for 14 days following their last competition of the fall season and will virtually learn during this time.
Video link: https://youtu.be/cZCpkvYJrw8
Monday, October 12
The School Board took action at its Monday meeting to move all instruction virtual for two weeks. The earliest students will return to the hybrid model will be Tuesday, October 27. (Go to the 23 minute, 45 second mark of the video)
Video link: https://youtu.be/u44yZ3kDfX4
Discussion included a report from the Reopening Committee, sharing recommendations from the Iowa County Health Department, based on the increase of COVID-19 in the school system and community.
The Board was unanimous in accepting the committee’s scorecard as a tool for decision making regarding which instructional model to use.
A motion failed that included virtual learning for 14 days and the cancelation of extracurricular activities. Voting no were Andy Busch, Nate Chambers, Larry Steffes, and Gary Sullivan. Aaron Dunn, Joni Heisner, and Everett Lindsey were in favor.
A motion was then made for virtual learning for 14 days, which passed unanimously.
A motion then passed 4-2 to allow boys soccer, cross country, and volleyball to compete in the postseason. Athletes must remain virtual for 14 days after their last competition. Voting in favor were Busch, Chambers, Heisner, Steffes, and Sullivan. Voting against were Dunn and Lindsey.
The next motion made was to suspend football for a duration of two weeks. This passed 6-0-1 with Busch abstaining.
Other Business:
— The Board heard updates surrounding what Phase II might look like in both the elementary and middle/high schools and (Go to the one hour, 57 minute mark)
— The Board unanimously passed Phase II as presented. (Go to the two hour, 50 minute mark)
— Superintendent Mitch Wainwright provided an enrollment update for the 2020-21 school year. (Go to the two hour, 20 minute, 45 second mark)
— The Board held a first reading of a policy regarding Emergency Nursing Services. (Go to the two hour, 16 minute, 30 second mark)
— Superintendent Mitch Wainwright presented his annual budget update and the Board unanimously approved the 2020-21 budget, which is scheduled to be balanced. (Go to the two hour, 35 minute, 45 second mark)
— Regarding the HSR Alternate Bid Update, the request was to get a price quote on installing “safety” glass on the windows that will be installed in the elementary cafeteria. The price difference was about $1,850 more and the Board unanimously voted to approve the change. (Go to the two hour, 47 minute mark)
— The Board unanimously approved the credit card statement and bills payable. (Go to the two hour, 56 minute mark)
— The Board will hold a special meeting on Monday, October 26 to certify the levy. The next regular meeting will be Monday, November 9.