by Mitch Wainwright
Thank You! All across the state, there were November referendum questions asking for new buildings, remodels/additions, facility upgrades, and technology improvements. There were also questions asking for money for two, three, five years or forever in recurring referendums. Over 150 referendum questions were asked of the district taxpayers all over the state. Here in Mineral Point, the school district residents voted in support of both of our referendum questions. I cannot say enough how thankful I am for the support you have shown our school system, and even more important, the students. Again, thank you!
You might ask, what happens next? The school board is deciding on an architectural firm to complete the design of the elementary addition and remodel. Once an architect is chosen, a general contractor will be selected to oversee the project; they line up sub-contractors and then begin the work, once the weather permits. We need to sell the bonds to fund the project. Then, once all of those items are complete, we can break ground on the project. Our hope is that the construction will be done by the start of the 2020-21 school year.
I am always proud of how Mineral Point supports each other in the community and school system. When there is a need, people step and do whatever they can to lend a helping hand. This is true when tragedy strikes or someone is down on their luck. Your support, through a yes vote, shows that educating children is extremely important. My job is to make sure we continue to do great work and to guarantee that sound financial decisions are made. Doing our best work and building trust in our school system remains our focus.
From all of us that work in the school system, thank you for your continued support!