Dear Lisa Hay, Julie Stephenson, and Larry Dolphin,
As your time on the Mineral Point School Board comes to an end, I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for your service. Board service is the most demanding volunteer role, and you took on your Board duties with dedication, grace, and seriousness.
More than your fantastic ability to support Mineral Point Schools, or your willingness to connect our great community with board decisions, I am most grateful for your active leadership as a steward of Mineral Point Schools. I know you always carefully deliberated on matters before the board and on the committees you served, even when the decisions were difficult.
Not seeking an additional term was a decision that you considered carefully and I respect your decision. The founder of Stanford University once stated, “Wisdom is knowing what to do next; virtue is doing it.” You are wise and virtuous, and I am grateful you shared those qualities with Mineral Point Schools as a board member.
I will certainly miss working with you as a board member, but I look forward to staying in touch with each other for years to come.
Luke Francois
Superintendent of Schools