Bottom row: Abby Backes (5th), Jadyn Swinehart (4th), Alyssa Jones (3rd), Jadyn Schultz (3rd), Regan Schuette (5th). Middle row: Ellie Webb (5th), James Webb (5th), Elizabeth Dunn (5th), Adam Cody (3rd), Grady Mulligan (4th), Isabella Coogan (4th), Gavin Houtakker (4th). Back row: Ella Wilson (3rd), Finn Renwick (4th), Estella James (5th), Abby Webb (5th), Madelyn Steffes (3rd), Claire Steffes (4th), Lifka Bennett (DKG Coordinator).
Mineral Point Elementary School is proud to share that we have authors and illustrators who have been very busy completing entries for the annual Delta Kappa Gamma literary competition.
Students in grades 3-12 are eligible to enter the book writing contest. All books are being submitted to the local Delta Kappa Gamma chapter for preliminary judging.
Congratulations to the 18 elementary students who decided to take on the challenge!