Plants, Animals, and You (PAY): Acquaint yourself with the exploding world of Agri-science. “Learning by doing” activities will provide you with exposure to various areas of Agri-science. These include: careers, FFA, soils, plant science, horticulture, animal science, Ag. mechanics, and natural resources. The greenhouse will be used as a laboratory for various activities dealing with plant, soils, and horticulture. The shop area will be used for introductory units in small engines and welding. This is a entry level course and should be taken by any Freshman and Sophomore interested in Agriculture and FFA. This course can apply towards high school science graduation requirement. Semester class, any grade level.
Horse and Small Animal Science: This class will cover the history, markings, breeds, conformation, blemishes, unsoundness, feeding diseases, part, equipment, and careers dealing with horses. This class will go over the proper care of small animals; how to handle them, what to feed them, and general maintenance of them. We will discuss these topics for various species including dogs, cats, and other pets. Hands on activities will be a large part of this class. This class will be great for anyone interested in pursuing a career in veterinary medicine. Semester class, any grade level.
Greenhouse and Landscape Management: Are you interested in plants for the home and business? This class explores the industry of horticulture, horticulture careers, bedding plants, plant growth and soils. Learn about holiday arrangement and make one of your own. You will also practice pruning techniques and study ornamental horticulture. The greenhouse will be used extensively for laboratory work and a Spring Bedding Plant sale. Landscaping techniques will be learned and landscaping projects will be designed and built. Much of the class work is hands on learning. This course can apply towards high school science graduation requirement. Spring semester, any grade level.
Natural Resources and Wildlife Management: This course will cover forestry, erosion, soils, ground water contamination’s, wildlife, natural resources careers, and taxidermy. Each student will have the opportunity to do a taxidermy project. This course involves many outdoor learning activities. This class is for anyone interested in learning more about natural resources and the outdoors. Semester class, any grade level.
Animal and Vet Science: Nutrition, facilities, body systems, meat cuts, breeds and judging livestock (beef, sheep and swine) will be covered. Also responsible for designing a livestock facility. Field trips will be taken to livestock enterprises and hands on production and veterinarian methods will be practiced with actual livestock. This class is great for anyone thinking about entering veterinarian medicine or who is interested in livestock. This course can apply towards high school science graduation requirement. Year long class, 10th grade and up.
Agribusiness Technology & Leadership: This course will consist of career research and planning, employment skills, interviewing, preparing a resume, advertising, record keeping, financial, budget, cost and return, and cash flow analysis, marketing, investments, taxes, agriculture law, and other various subjects. The stock market and commodity market will be explored and a simulated farm will be run. Leadership skills including parliamentary procedure, speaking, organizing, and planning will be developed and used to plan and organize FFA activities. Creating newsletters and advertisements will be part of the course material. Communication skills will be developed with local leaders and business individuals. Semester, 10th grade and up.
Wisconsin Agriculture: From pine trees to cranberries and from milk to beef sticks this course offers all of Wisconsin’s favorite crops and production methods. This course will include studying all areas of Wisconsin Agriculture. Focusing on how modern agriculture is successful at producing food and fiber. This class will also include hands on production methods that can be used in any livestock industry or cropping industry. Semester, 10th grade and up.
Mechanical Systems: This is a hands on class that is for students that are interested in learning more about mechanical systems. Included in this course will be welding, electrical, equipment assembly, engine and motor work, plumbing, structures, and machinery repair. Students will have an opportunity to work on their own projects along with assigned projects. Semester class, any grade level.
Advanced Students in Agriculture: Advance your knowledge, through hands on learning. Choose your course of study in the following fields: welding, electricity, engines, assembly, natural resources, vet science, crops, greenhouse, food science, biotechnology, and landscaping. This class will allow you to expand an area of agriculture through hands on learning. Take the opportunity to choose your education and expand your knowledge in a career of your choice. Semester, Junior and Senior Level Class. Need to have taken an Ag Class prior to signing up for the class.
Welding: Welding and metal work offer a world of opportunities in career choices and life long skills. Time will be spent Arc welding, Gas welding, MIG welding, and metal work. Students will have the opportunity to construct their own welding project. If you enjoy hands on learning and learning new skills, welding class is for you. Semester class, and grade level.
FFA: FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. To accomplish its mission, FFA:
- Develops competent and assertive agricultural leadership.
- Increases awareness of the global and technological importance of agriculture and its contribution to our well-being.
- Strengthens the confidence of agriculture students in themselves and their work.
- Promotes the intelligent choice and establishment of an agricultural career.
- Encourages achievement in supervised agricultural experience programs.
- Encourages wise management of economic, environmental and human resources of the community.
- Develops interpersonal skills in teamwork, communications, human relations and social interaction.
- Builds character and promotes citizenship, volunteerism and patriotism.
- Promotes cooperation and cooperative attitudes among all people.
- Promotes healthy lifestyles.
- Encourages excellence in scholarship
Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve.