Tagged Articles: PLCs
Pointer Pride
Over the holiday break, my family and I spent time with our relatives. We were away from school, doing our best to be present with those around us. Yet in a family full of teachers, it was not uncommon for our conversation to bend toward education. One topic that came up was the success of… Continue Reading Pointer Pride
Are We Talking About That Tree? (The Importance of Clarity)

Two members of the maintenance team stopped me in the high school hallway. “Are you good with us taking down the cedar tree in the front of your building?” When asked, I was 98% sure which tree they were referring to. Steve, our building custodian, and I had discussed last year about removing the tree.… Continue Reading Are We Talking About That Tree? (The Importance of Clarity)
Our Collective Commitments
The teachers and administration at Mineral Point Elementary School recently developed seven collective commitments. Collective commitments are the values and habits that a faculty puts into action on behalf of our students. They are directly aligned with our district’s mission and vision. These collective commitments were agreed upon as a staff through consensus, with an… Continue Reading Our Collective Commitments