Kohl Awards Seek Nominations

It’s that time of year again–please consider nominating Mineral Point educators for the following awards. They are some of the most prestigious honors that can be earned in the state. Kohl Educational Foundation Fellowship Award:  Teacher nomination forms for the 2017 Herb Kohl Educational Foundation Fellowship award can now be obtained from school district administrators and principals,… Continue Reading Kohl Awards Seek Nominations

Volleyball Fight Cancer Night

The Mineral Point volleyball team is hosting a Cancer Night on September 22 to raise awareness and funding for patients with all types of cancer. The Cancer Night will take place during their match vs. Iowa Grant. The junior varsity and varsity reserve teams play at 5:45 pm with the varsity match to follow at… Continue Reading Volleyball Fight Cancer Night

WIAA Sportsmanship Award Received

During halftime of the football game Friday, August 26, #PointerNation was presented with its WIAA/Rural Mutual Sportsmanship Award that it earned during the State Girls Basketball Tournament in Green Bay in March. The school received a trophy to display, as well as a banner to be hung in the gym. This is the third time… Continue Reading WIAA Sportsmanship Award Received

August Special School Board Meeting

The Mineral Point School Board held a special meeting Monday evening to address a few pertinent agenda items. (Continue scrolling past the video for more article text)   At the regular August meeting, the Board approved a purchasing policy that states purchases over $5,000, with a few exceptions, must be pre-approved by the Board. Elementary… Continue Reading August Special School Board Meeting

August School Board Meeting

The Mineral Point School Board met Monday evening and took action on a handful of items to help get the start of school ready to roll. (Continue scrolling past the video for more article text) The Board approved high school, middle school, and employee handbook updates. (Go to the one hour 23 minute mark on… Continue Reading August School Board Meeting

Robinson is Outstanding Ag Educator

Mineral Point Agriculture Teacher, Mike Robinson, was honored  at the end of June in Appleton at the Wisconsin Association of Agricultural Educators (WAAE) Conference. Robinson was selected as the Outstanding Agriculture Educator for the section Mineral Point is in and was in the Top Ten for the State of Wisconsin. Unfortunately, he was not chosen… Continue Reading Robinson is Outstanding Ag Educator