Reading Night 2018: Survivor

Reading Night at the elementary school will be Thursday, May 24 from 5-7 P.M. This year’s theme is “Survivor”. A variety of activities around literacy will be hosted in different classrooms. Students and their families are encouraged to join us for this fun and educational event! In addition, we are running our book fair in… Continue Reading Reading Night 2018: Survivor

Learning Beyond the School Walls

When you don’t know how to do something, what do you do? Unless you are handier than me (and that’s not saying much), you likely YouTube it. Whether it is a dishwasher that isn’t cleaning properly or a computer that keeps freezing, someone somewhere has created a video that offers a solution to your issue.… Continue Reading Learning Beyond the School Walls

Wise and Virtuous

Dear Lisa Hay, Julie Stephenson, and Larry Dolphin, As your time on the Mineral Point School Board comes to an end, I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for your service.  Board service is the most demanding volunteer role, and you took on your Board duties with dedication, grace, and seriousness. More than your fantastic… Continue Reading Wise and Virtuous

PLCs and a Journey Toward Excellence

When I was hired as principal at Mineral Point Elementary School almost two years ago, I was excited about all the district had going for them. The teachers were experienced professionals. The students were excited about learning. Families and the community welcomed our arrival positively. One thing I did not initially appreciate as much as I… Continue Reading PLCs and a Journey Toward Excellence

Mineral Point Elementary School Recognized as a Model Professional Learning Community at Work™

Mineral Point, WI, April 11, 2018 — Mineral Point Elementary School was recently recognized by Solution Tree for its sustained success in raising student achievement. The school’s successful implementation of the Professional Learning Communities at Work™ process was a major contributing factor in the improved achievement of its students. PLCs are schools and districts in which… Continue Reading Mineral Point Elementary School Recognized as a Model Professional Learning Community at Work™

Candidate Appreciation

by Superintendent Luke Francois As of this writing, it is Tuesday morning, election day. There is no telling what today will bring surrounding local, state, and national election outcomes allowing me a unique opportunity to share my thoughts about public service and elections without politicizing the points made. When it comes to public service, I… Continue Reading Candidate Appreciation

‘How We Care for and Treat One Another’

by Superintendent Luke Francois On the afternoon of February 14th, a mass shooting occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.  Seventeen people were killed and fourteen people hospitalized. For a perspective, before Parkland, the most significant K-12 mass shootings in the United States were Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, CT where twenty-seven… Continue Reading ‘How We Care for and Treat One Another’

Favorite Books I Read in 2017

“What do you do when you don’t know what to write?” A student asked me this during a classroom visit. My response: I read, and I find easy ways to write! One way I accomplish both is by writing reviews for books on Goodreads. This social media site for bibliophiles allows people to connect with… Continue Reading Favorite Books I Read in 2017