‘How We Care for and Treat One Another’

by Superintendent Luke Francois On the afternoon of February 14th, a mass shooting occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.  Seventeen people were killed and fourteen people hospitalized. For a perspective, before Parkland, the most significant K-12 mass shootings in the United States were Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, CT where twenty-seven… Continue Reading ‘How We Care for and Treat One Another’

Favorite Books I Read in 2017

“What do you do when you don’t know what to write?” A student asked me this during a classroom visit. My response: I read, and I find easy ways to write! One way I accomplish both is by writing reviews for books on Goodreads. This social media site for bibliophiles allows people to connect with… Continue Reading Favorite Books I Read in 2017

A Typical Week

by Luke Francois What is a typical week in the life of a superintendent?  Indeed there are scheduled meetings, drop-in sessions, preparing for presentations, sharing professional development, and civic duties and outreach.  Here are some of the items in the queue for this week and month. The month of January started the district’s budget development… Continue Reading A Typical Week

Pointer Pride

Over the holiday break, my family and I spent time with our relatives. We were away from school, doing our best to be present with those around us. Yet in a family full of teachers, it was not uncommon for our conversation to bend toward education. One topic that came up was the success of… Continue Reading Pointer Pride

New Year’s Resolution

By Superintendent Luke Francois A New Year’s Resolution is a tradition in which a person resolves to change an undesired trait or behavior to accomplish a personal goal or otherwise improve their life.  (Retrieved from en.wikipedia.org)  New Year’s Eve I talked with a friend that resolved to stop cursing.  Another shared a resolution to reduce… Continue Reading New Year’s Resolution

Wow, what a month!

by Superintendent Luke Francois Wow, what a month!   Recently the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) released the state report card.  DPI reported Mineral Point is a five-star rated school district that significantly exceeds expectations.  Moreover, Mineral Point Schools received the second highest rating amongst all Pre-K through grade 12 school districts. Sevastopol and Kohler… Continue Reading Wow, what a month!