MPES families,
We hope this post finds you well as we transition to virtual-only instruction.
To help provide clarity, the expectations below were adapted from another school to describe student expectations during virtual instruction for our school.
Please refer to these statements as a guide for success in school. Teachers understand that they have some flexibility given their specific situations and can be responsive to students’ and families’ needs within reason.
Thank you,
Matt Renwick, Principal
Mineral Point Elementary School
Virtual Learning Expectations:
- Students need to join the scheduled Zoom sessions each day. Students should be ready to join a class before it begins.
- Attendance will be taken each day and for each session. Attendance policies and procedures still apply to virtual learning.
- If you are having technical issues, please contact the classroom teacher. They may reach out to Ms. Uppena, our library media technology specialist as needed for assistance.
- Families should follow the same attendance reporting procedures as if your child was attending in-person. If students will not be attending for illness or appointments, please contact the school attendance line at 608-987-0717 or Mrs. Barr at 608-987-0710 (leave a voicemail). It is always good to keep your teachers informed as well.
- Students should stay on Zoom until their teacher dismisses them.
- Students should have their camera on unless directed otherwise and mute their microphone unless speaking.
- Students should be in a quiet environment where they can focus on what they are learning. Families should encourage independence as students engage in instruction.
- Students should make sure their computers are charged and use headphones if they have them.
- Students should be focused, attentive, and be an active participant in the class.
- Students should be dressed appropriately during Zoom discussions.
- During Zoom sessions, all electronic devices other than the student’s school-issued computer should be turned off or on silent.
- On Wednesdays, Encore/Specials instruction will be available for real time instruction. Students should also engage in independent learning with asynchronous support from their teachers.
- Students should submit learning artifacts in Seesaw or Google Classroom in a timely manner to ensure prompt feedback and to maintain routine.