Hello MPES families,

With only a couple of weeks left of school, the clock is ticking not only on the end of the year, but also to prepare for summer school and the fall return. (Watch for summer school registration in the Pointer Press.)

Conversely, this can also be a time to slow down and take stock on the year. What went well? What could be improved?

One way I would like to facilitate this reflection and renewal process is by utilizing funds from the Kohl award to support equity projects.

Educational equity has been defined as:

  • giving students what they need to support their success,
  • meetings students where they are, and
  • breaking down the barriers to success.

One example of equitable education is a relevant, student-centered curriculum.

I am opening this opportunity up to families and the community, as well as to the faculty. Our library media technology specialist, Micki Uppena (also a Kohl Award winner), has been gracious enough to try the application and planning process out as a pilot. You can read her project below (an inquiry into designing book displays that promote student independence in selection of texts).

Micki’s Equity Project

There is a cap of $1000 for any one project (a total of $5000 is available). It can be developed with students and the teacher as a class project, or with staff only. If you are unsure how you might partner with us in this process, please reach out to me to talk it over. A blank application is below. I am willing and eager to help develop and implement this plan with you in service to our kids.

Equity Project Application



Matt has served for over 20 years in public education. He started as a 5th and 6th grade teacher in a country school outside of Wisconsin Rapids, WI. After seven years of teaching, Matt served as an assistant principal, athletic director, and building principal all in Wisconsin Rapids. As an elementary principal with the Mineral Point Unified School District, he enjoys working with students, staff, and families in a collective pursuit of continuous learning.